GA technologies, Tokio Marine & Nichido, and Finatext start offering built-in fire insurance within RENOSY, a real estate marketplace for investment

May 08, 2023

~ First in the domestic real estate and insurance industry*1 to provide fire insurance for investment real estate buyers with embedded insurance ~

GA technologies Co., Ltd. GA technologies Co., Ltd., Ltd. (Director Executive Officer: Ryo Higuchi, hereinafter "GA technologies"), Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (Director: Shinichi Hirose, hereinafter "Tokio Marine & Nichido") Finatext (Representative Director CEO: Akane Kinoshita, hereinafter referred to as "Finatext") has jointly created a system that allows users to apply for and enroll in built-in fire insurance on an online investment real estate service, the first of its kind in the domestic real estate and insurance industries. Developed. It will be available from May 2023 for investment real estate buyers on the online real estate marketplace “RENOSY” operated by GA technologies.
"RENOSY" operated by GA technologies and Finatext's SaaS-type digital insurance system "Inspire" *2 will be linked via API, and "Inspire" will be equipped with fire insurance for individuals provided by Tokio Marine & Nichido. As a result, users of “RENOSY” can apply for fire insurance online, and can complete online procedures from Real estate investment consideration to insurance arrangements.

1. Background of joint development


� 投資用不動産の購入者は、不動産購入における融資を受ける際に火災保険の加入が必要となるケースが多く、保険加入が不動産購入時に発生する多様なタスクの一つとなっており、お客様から「シンプルかつ効率的に火災保険に加入したい」といったニーズをいただいていました。
こうした中、投資用不動産の購入者が抱えるニーズに応えるため、不動産投資にまつわる手続きの効率化・デジタル化を進めているGA technologiesと、デジタルを活用しながら保険商品・サービスを提供している東京海上日動、オンライン完結型保険やエンベデッド・インシュアランスの開発・販売を可能とするSaaS型のデジタル保険システム「Inspire」を提供するFinatextの3社で連携し、投資用不動産の購入者向けにオンラインのサービス上で火災保険に加入できる仕組みを共同開発しました。

2. About built-in fire insurance

Through the collaboration of GA technologies, Tokio Marine & Nichido, and Finatext, we have realized embedded fire insurance for real estate investment services for the first time in the domestic real estate and insurance industries. By providing this product, it will be possible to provide a seamless customer experience online, which is expected to improve customer convenience and reduce the risk of missing procedures.

■ Flow of subscribing to built-in fire insurance at RENOSY (image)

3. About the future

GA technologies, Tokio Marine & Nichido, and Finatext will continue to leverage their respective strengths to advance initiatives to meet the needs of the world.

�※1:業界初:株式会社GA technologies、東京海上日動火災保険株式会社、株式会社Finatext調べ
�※ 本プレスリリースに記載されている会社名および製品・サービス名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。

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