RENOSY, an online real estate company, updates My Page and app for real estate owners

October 05, 2022

Access to the information you need more easily with a display that meets your needs

GA technologies Co., Ltd., Ltd. [GA technologies Co., Ltd.] (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Executive Officer and Director: Ryo Higuchi; Securities Code: 3491; hereinafter “the Company”), which operates the online real estate marketplace “RENOSY” , the My Page for customers using RENOSY 's Real estate investment services and the app "OWNR by RENOSY" (hereafter referred to as "app") for real estate owners have been updated to create an environment in which necessary information can be accessed more easily. Realized.

◆ Overview of my page for customers using RENOSY Real estate investment services

On My Page, you can conduct a series of real estate transactions online regarding RENOSY 's Real estate investment services, from checking the status of inquiries such as interview reservations to sales contracts.
In this update, the information displayed according to the customer's situation has been implemented so that it is easier to understand on the top page. This is expected to improve customer convenience.

Information mainly displayed on the top page (example)
At the time of inquiry: Limited distribution materials that summarize information you want to know when you start interview reservation information and investment
After the contract: contract information of the property, etc.

◆ Outline of “OWNR by RENOSY” app for real estate owners

This app is an asset management app that provides rental management services for real estate owners. In particular, we are promoting development with a focus on convenience and ease of understanding so that real estate owners who have started Real estate investment with RENOSY can manage their assets with greater peace of mind.
Conventionally, in addition to being able to check basic information such as contract documents and tenant information of owned properties in one stop, "monthly cash flow management", "tax return support function", "confirmation of newly sold properties", "moving in and out information", We have supported the asset management of real estate owners with a wealth of functions such as "Inquiries" (some functions are limited to our sales properties).

In this update, we have introduced a new "Home Tab", and now you can check not only information about your property, but also income and expenditure information and notifications that are important for Real estate investment, as soon as you launch the app. By improving access efficiency to necessary information, you can use the app more easily.

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