Selected as a recipient company of JETRO Innovation Program (JIP)

August 27, 2018

Our company was selected as a support recipient of the JETRO Innovation Program (JIP), which is being implemented by JETRO as the Japan Patent Office's "Japan Intellectual Property Utilization Business Support Project". This program targets 6 regions of Silicon Valley, Shenzhen, Berlin, and ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand) in partnership with accelerators in each country, and Japanese domestic startups with excellent technology utilize intellectual property. We would like you to provide support for promoting overseas expansion.
We participate in programs in the Silicon Valley region.

◆ USA/Silicon Valley
Exhibition "DisruptSF2018"
Date: September 5 (Wednesday) to 7 (Friday), 2018
Venue: Moscone West

Pitch/business matching event “TechMatch”
Date: September 10th (Monday) and 11th (Tuesday), 2018
Venue: TheVAULT, HeroCity

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