Notice of Appointment of New Executive Officer

November 15, 2018

At Director meeting held today, November 15 (Thursday), the Company resolved to appoint Shinpei Noguchi as Executive Officer.

Noguchi has a strong track record in the development of new services in the leasing area and product sales for corporations at ITANDI, Inc. With the appointment of this new director, we will focus on realizing the next-generation rental service “Rental 3.0 (*)” with an eye on the credit economy.

● Comment from New Executive Officer Noguchi

The real estate industry is an industry that often creates disadvantages for consumers due to the convenience of the contractor. Even in today's world where the Internet has spread, consumers cannot know the latest information and correct information about properties. What I have learned through my experience at ITANDI is the very structure of the real estate industry that creates such a situation. Even if technology advances remarkably, this structure will not improve unless real estate companies make use of it. And the high-level technology provided by many IT companies has not been able to take advantage of that technology. In the real estate industry, it is necessary to provide services that are as simple and effective as possible when they are really needed.

I think that GA technologies Co., Ltd. and ITANDI are the few companies that can do such things because they are real estate agents. I would like to take advantage of my experience of failure and success to change the common sense of the real estate industry with a solid strategy.

Graduated from Waseda University. While enrolled at university, he won the business plan contest sponsored by Waseda University, and after graduating from the same, joined an IT company. As a web engineer, in charge of core system design for a major company. At the same time, he founded a job posting media in the healthcare field. In just one year, it has grown into an industry-leading media that is visited by tens of thousands of people per month and sold to a listed company. Participated in ITANDI, Inc. in February 2014. After working at WEB marketing, rental brokerage, system development, and system consulting for management companies, he was appointed to Executive Officer in April 2016. From November 1, 2018, he became the company's representative Director president. Appointed GA technologies Co., Ltd. Executive Officer from November 15, 2018.

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