At the Director meeting held on April 24, the Company decided to implement the following measures regarding the business execution structure after May 1, 2024:
We would like to inform you that we have resolved to make some changes to the duties of our Executive Officer.
◆ Changes in duties of Executive Officer in the business execution structure after May 1, 2024

◆ Background and purpose of partial change in responsibilities
Our company has set our ambition as "Create a world-leading company" and is developing the online Real estate investment service brand "RENOSY" that utilizes AI and other technologies. Recently, we have also expanded into the US real estate market, and have entered the M&A brokerage business as a horizontal expansion of the real estate tech we have cultivated thus far.
In this environment, the need for operational improvements to operate more efficiently as the organization expands has become more and more pressing.Specifically, we plan to implement various operational improvements, starting with operational improvements for each group company, reforming operations across RENOSY Marketplace, particularly reorganizing supply chain operations and supporting the sales department, and accelerating the promotion of the real estate SaaS business in collaboration with group companies ITANDI, Inc., Ltd. and RENOSY (Thailand) Co., Ltd., which are already operating in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Against this backdrop, we have decided on these executive personnel changes with the aim of improving operations and strengthening engineering in order to realize our growth strategy on a group-wide scale.
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