「第1回 国土交通省 地理空間情報データチャレンジ~国土数値情報編~」表彰式に執行役員 CAIO 稲本がプレゼンターとして出席
- news corporate
NewsPicks | [Surprising transfer] Why is the man behind a global map service moving to real estate tech?
- Announcement media publication
Toyo Keizai Online | The key to solving the problem of "Should I hold onto or sell" real estate
- Announcement media publication
Mynavi News | Why is "Koiwa" so hot right now? "Three areas expected to be in the spotlight in 2025" for Real estate investment
- Announcement media publication
Toyo Keizai Online | The true nature of this system, which is different from Real estate investment "subleasing"
- Announcement media publication
Transcript of the Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year Ending October 2024
- Notice IR
Video of the financial results briefing for the full fiscal year ending October 2024
- Notice IR
Financial Results Briefing Materials for the Fiscal Year Ending October 2024
- Notice IR
Toyo Keizai Online | The complicated procedures involved in Real estate investment. What is the solution?
- Announcement media publication
Nikkei CrossTech | Manage the excessive amount of SaaS and reduce costs with tools learned from Excite and GA Techno
- Announcement media publication
Opened a branch office in Hiroshima
- news corporate
Maidona News | Ranking of prefectures with the most people who invested over 1 million yen this year… Nara Prefecture is No. 1, Yamaguchi Prefecture is the top with total assets over 1 billion yen
- Announcement media publication
@DIME | Top 3 prefectures with the most people investing: 3rd place Kagawa Prefecture, 2nd place Aichi Prefecture, but what's 1st place?
- Announcement media publication
Announcement of online study session on "Building a real estate rent forecast model"
- news corporate
Toyo Keizai Online | Real estate tech growth service "Property Purchasing" technology
- Announcement media publication
Mynavi News | The top three prefectures with the most investment: Tokyo, Aichi, and who else?
- Announcement media publication