
GA technologies contributes to the creation of a sustainable society through its corporate activities.

Message from the company's CEO

私たちは2013年にGAテクノロジーズを創業し、「テクノロジー × イノベーションで驚きと感動を生み、世界を前進させる。」という企業理念を掲げています。


Creating a system to protect the earth's resources
Rebuilding of all industrial systems smartly


GA technologies Co., Ltd. aims to make various industries better, not just the real estate industry, through its business. In addition to providing solutions to customers, we are also taking the lead in utilizing technology within the company. In 2023 (as of April 22, 2024), the entire group achieved the  reduction on the use of paper by 14.99 million sheets. Achieving paperless by digitizing documents is nothing less than protecting the global environmental resources. With the enforcement of the "Revised Real Estate Transaction Business Act" in May 2022, it is expected that the digitization of contracts will progress further in the future. We will lead this trend, focusing on the real estate business, which is our founding business, and will not only working on the improving of the efficiency of our operations, but also building a system that is considerate of the global environment through digitalization for other industries.

GA technologies Co., Ltd. style of sustainable community development
Revitalize used real estate distribution and renovation


As most Japanese prefer brand new houses suggests, most properties circulating in the Japanese real estate market are new constructions. However, there are many old houses that is still in good conditions in the world. Rather than scrap down those buildings, we want to preserve them. With this in mind, GA technologies Co., Ltd. offers RENOSY, which allows our customers to complete the entire process smoothly, as well as a service that reduces vacant houses through minimal renovations for rental apartments. By bringing out the appeal of used properties, we contribute to sustainable urban development.

Societal Contribution/Human Capital

Creation of a highly transparent market through the intervention of technology
Prevent decoy properties, decoy ads, and data tampering


When comparing the transparency of the Japanese real estate market globally, it is not very high. In the coming age, it will be necessary to utilize technology to further improve the health of the real estate market. GA technologies Co., Ltd. provides services such as "ITANDI BB", a real-time real estate agent site, and "MORTGAGE GATEWAY by RENOSY", a mortgage screening platform that prevents data tampering. We have achieved highly transparent transactions through the intervention of technology. From now on, we would like to build services that enable safe and secure transactions not only in the real estate market, but in all industries.

Creating opportunities for people who continue to challenge their dreams
Contribution by promoting and supporting sports


GA technologies Co., Ltd. has a culture of actively working to foster a sports culture within the company. Since the founder was a training player for JEF United Ichihara, who aspired to be a soccer player, he values the experience and teamwork that can be nurtured through sports. Beyond the company, we support those who pursue their dreams in the field of sports by sponsoring Kawasaki Frontale and hiring para-athletes. In recognition of these activities, we have been certified as a company that has implemented excellent initiatives and support in the field of sports to promote sports activities, by both the Japan Sports Agency's "Sports Yell Company 2021" and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "2020 Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" 

Creating a workplace where people can work in their own way
Corporate culture where gratitude and praise are the norm


The rapid growth of GA technologies Co., Ltd. could not have been achieved without the existence of our employees as companions. Colleagues who share the goals of "creating world-changing services that users have never experienced before" and "proactively changing existing frameworks and providing new value to users without being bound by common sense" We are developing activities that lead to innovation every day. What is important is that each and every one of us can push forward with our work with a sense of job satisfaction and pride. We accept diverse personalities and work styles, and develop various systems and measures to support their success. These philosophies and initiatives have been recognized, and have led to evaluations from outside the company, such as being selected as the best company in the medium-sized category of the "Ranking of Great Places to Work."

Corporate governance (governance)

Building a sound and highly transparent management system
An organization that values prompt and rational decision-making


We are committed to maintaining a high level of soundness and transparency in order to achieve sustainable development as an organization and maximize corporate value. In order to strengthen the governance function of the Director of Directors, Outside Director make up the majority of the Board of Directors, and in anticipation of diversity in management and the globalization of economic activities, the Board of Directors is made up of Director who are diverse in terms of gender, nationality, age, and other factors. increase. In addition, compliance training is held regularly, and each employee is highly aware of their duties. In addition to the existing governance system, a team called GA-CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) was launched to handle incident response. In addition, we are focusing on strengthening the cyber security field. Based on solid governance, we strive to build an internal system that enables prompt and rational decision-making and business execution.