当社AI Strategy Centerに所属するAaron Bramsonが、韓国で開催されるBig Data in Economics, Science, and Technology Society(以下The B.E.S.T. Society)主催の学会に登壇いたします。The B.E.S.T. Societyは、地域社会およびグローバル規模の発展に影響を与えるさまざまな研究をカバーすることを目的としており、複数の科学分野から研究者が集まります。
Big Data in Economics, Science, and Technology Conference 2023
2023/08/09(水)〜08/11(金)※Aaron Bramsonの登壇は08/10(木)10:50〜を予定しています
Using Network Diffusion to Estimate Property Demand from Employment Locations
Aaron Bramson
Graduated with a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Political Science from the University of Michigan in 2012 after completing a M.S. in Mathematics in 2004. Worked as an M.B.A. instructor at the Rotman School of Management at Toronto University from 2010 to 2011. Before joining GA worked at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan, Sandia Laboratories in the US, the Department of General Economics of Ghent University of Belgium, and multiple consulting projects worldwide under his own company, Complexity Research Corporation. Research focus is the multiple aspects of complexity science: theory, application, model construction, and analytical methodology. He is in charge of research and development of several projects within the AI Strategy Center that integrate transportation networks, geospatial data, simulated flows, scoring/matching, and estimation.
